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Trip 2: A magical night in Key West

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The tiny white lights on the large Victorian house caught our attention. Had it not been for them, we might have missed the massive front porch nestled behind the crowds…

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3 travel apps worth adding for frequent travelers

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When I was little my family would load up in our big wood-paneled station wagon with a luggage carrier on top. Us kids took turns sitting in the middle seat…

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How are your toughest moments going to change you?

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There are moments in every life that change you. Some for the better.  Others for the worse. But some moments could go either way and it’s up to us to…

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Guess It’s Time to Get a Will

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I don’t know about you, but just reading that headline ‘Guess It’s Time to Get a Will’ makes me feel uneasy. Although I suppose it would make me feel worse…

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What’s for dinner? The adventure of eating when traveling

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I  tried a new recipe for dinner. Cuban Beef Bowls. It was delish! The marinade used the juice of a whole orange. I love trying new food or using food…

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How I’m going to save for the biggest trip of my life

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Going to 50 places the year I turn 50 sounds so extravagant. After all, I have bills to pay and there are seemingly more practical things to spend my money…

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Creating my list of places to go

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I thought I had been to a lot of places. That was before I started planning this trip. Sure, I’ve done some of the biggies: London, Los Angeles, San Francisco.…

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Who are you going with?

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“Who are you going with?” It’s one of the first questions people ask me when they hear I am planning to go to 50 places I’ve never been the year…

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Mile Marker 50

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Mile Marker 50 For 25 years I did not have one dream that was solely my own. Not one. Jobs, vacations, projects around the house—my dreams revolved around my husband…

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